Book Club Questions for Expecting

1.  The book begins with an epigraph:

At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.” Matthew 21:16

 What do you think the significance of the quote is in regards to the narrative?

2.  Did reading this book cause you to examine your values and opinions on reproductive rights, parental control, gender roles, homosexuality, public policy, sex, abortion, race, or religion?

3.  I know my family didn’t spend a lot time talking to me about the birds and the bees–most of that stuff I learned in school in sex ed. or from my friends–what about your family?

4.  What are your thoughts on the history of Roe v. Wade and the existence of trigger laws? What do you think about the current roll-back on reproductive rights in your state?

5.  How would you feel if you were Sheila? Do you agree/disagree with Sheila’s choices in the book?

6.  What do you think about Sheila’s mom, Map? Love her, loathe her? What about Sheila’s dad?

7.  What is your favorite/least favorite part of the book? Who is your favorite/least favorite character? Why?

8.  Do any of the race issues in the book seem relevant to your own experience?

9.  When women’s reproductive rights are politicized, how does it make you feel if you are old enough to vote? How does it make you feel if you’re not old enough to vote? What would you do if you didn’t have access to birth control, or if you became pregnant?

10. Do you know anyone who’s been roofied or raped? Do you know anyone who was/is pregnant in high school?

Did you know? (according to

*  1% of rapes result in pregnancy.

*  Most abortions in America are had by women who already have children.

*  Regions with liberal abortion policy and access to contraception ( Western Europe = 12 per 1000) have the lowest abortion rates; regions where abortion and birth control is illegal, restricted, or unavailable, have the highest abortion rates (Eastern Europe = 43 per 1000).

For more quick facts and numbers on abortion and birth control click here: Are you IN THE KNOW?

One thought on “Book Club Questions for Expecting

  1. There is very little mdilde ground because a large percentage of pro lifers are actually against birth control. One of those is Susan Orr. Per the Washington Post: Susan Orr, most recently an associate commissioner in the Administration for Children and Families, was appointed Monday to be acting deputy assistant secretary for population affairs. She will oversee $283 million in annual grants to provide low-income families and others with contraceptive services, counseling and preventive screenings.

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